Conditions for muscle growth

whoever you are, a green rookie or champion of olympia, in bodybuilding you live by the same rules. in them, the fundamental foundations of training, nutrition and restoration of forces, which predetermine the extreme growth of muscles, are fixed. they are suffering through decades of hard training practice, which absorbed both brilliant victories and crushing failures. accurately follow the proven methodical principles, and you are guaranteed victory!


regular stretching speeds up muscle growth. the science has found the clue more recently. it turns out that at the time of stretching, the muscle cell draws a protein from the buy injectable steroids intercellular fluid, due to the vacuum effect. yogis eat one rice, and therefore remain thin. high-protein diet will lead to the opposite result.

how to use: at the end of the workout, stretch the working muscles intensively for 15-25 minutes.

motivation for muscle growth

under the influence of heavy training, the mental tone inevitably falls.

thinking becomes dull, rolls over sleepiness, memory worsens … moreover, neither coffee nor special “energy” help.

where does the desire to train come from? scientists say that it is all the fault of the psychic monotony of strength exercises. agree, the team battle on the football field is much more fun than the monotonous repetition of the same movements in a confined space. nevertheless, there is a way out. change your training programs more often!

how to apply: train cyclically! every 2-2.5 weeks radically change the nature of the training.

base for muscle growth

muscle growth

remember, you, the bodybuilder, have only three main exercises: squats, bench press and deadlift. they are followed by pull-ups, heavy traction for the muscles of the back and presses standing / sitting. all other exercises are optional. they, in practice, do not add muscle mass.

conclusion? the return will be given only by the training program, which is built on the foundation of a limited number of basic movements. failures in bodybuilding are always explained by only one reason: the amateur does not “those” exercises.

how to apply: focus on squats, bench presses and stanovaya. persistently increase working weight. all three exercises have a critical power threshold, after which they begin to quickly build up the overall muscle mass of the body. for bench press – this is an indicator of 125-130 kg, in squats – 130-150 kg, for a bench press – 150-180 kg.

muscle growth: intervals

if you need to lose weight , do not buy to talk about the usefulness of jogging. long cardio sessions at a moderate pace cause the flow of blood to the legs and permanently leave the musculature of the upper half of the body without blood (and nutrients!). as a result, it begins to collapse. this explains the well-known “dryness” of the top of the body by the marathon runners.

to prevent this from happening to you, apply interval cardio. this is the name of a special kind of aerobics, when you alternate fast running and restoring walking in a 1: 3 ratio. for example, you go all the way down the track of the stadium for exactly 20 seconds, then go for 1 minute, restoring your breath, then go back into the sprint …

sprint running involves the whole musculature of the body, including the hands. he does not threaten the destruction of muscle hypertrophy, but burns far more calories. as comparative experiments have shown, “intervals” burn fat much faster than traditional aerobics.

how to use: after the strength training, spend an interval cardio for 15-20 minutes.

muscle growth and balance

all the bodybuilder exercises fundamental exercises while standing. this means that its working weights are in direct proportion to the strength of the rack. what is important here? low position of the center of gravity of the body! this means that you should have powerful pillar-shaped legs. while this is not, any exercise will be doubly hard for you.

in fact, because with lean legs, your center of gravity is high and threatens the body with overturning. it is useful not only to fanatically swing your feet, but also to do special exercises that improve the ability to stand firmly on your legs: body turns, slant sideways, diagonal slopes, etc.

how to apply: if your legs lack muscle mass, for a year or a half shake your legs. leave other tasks for the future. simultaneously shake the muscular waist corset.

why pull?

the more you train, the better? no, if you swing for a long time, then you apply relatively small burdens. meanwhile, success in pumping muscle mass predetermines the value of your working weights. the more they are, the faster the muscles grow.

training with critical weights is objectively short. so, in bodybuilding, the rule is short, but extremely intense training.

how to use: do not exercise more than 30-45 minutes. long training is akin to a marathon run and only destroy the muscles.

it’s simple!

high intensity has a simple secret: for an hour and a half before training, arrange a light meal, which includes both proteins and carbohydrates. food will increase the level of sugar in the blood, on which depends the activity of the brain and, as a consequence, high mental tone. right on the eve of training, take a little whey protein and a donator of nitric oxide. donator will expand the vessels and, thereby, help the brain circulation. despite the fatigue, thinking longer will remain alive and sharp.

how to apply: for an hour and a half before training, take a cup of home-made cottage cheese, eat a banana or a large apple. 30 minutes prior to training, drink a whey cocktail on the water (40 grams of whey) and take a donator of nitric oxide according to the instructions.

you have to be able to rest!

training is a stressful way to influence the muscles. like any stress, strength training triggers a cascade of hormonal responses. the body, in particular, begins to secrete large amounts of anabolic hormones. they also force the muscles to grow during the recovery period.

thus, the rest period between training is a key factor in the training process. if you want to achieve extreme muscle volumes, you should do your best to restore the recovery as efficiently as possible.

how to use: during the recovery period, do everything in your power to avoid nervous and physical stress. try to get enough sleep, take high-calorie food, spend more time outdoors.

nature’s help

an unbearable burning sensation in the ending of a multi-repeat set causes lactic acid. it is a by-product of muscle contraction. excess of such acid adversely affects the acid-base balance of the body. blood becomes acidified, and vital enzymes, accustomed to work only in a natural weakly alkaline environment, refuse to work.

as a result, many anabolic reactions are upset, and muscles stop growing. that’s how excessive enthusiasm leads to the opposite result – a stagnant stagnation in performance. its negative contribution is made by a high-protein diet. it shifts the acid-base balance towards acidification.

the best means of prevention is the presence in the diet of vegetables and fruits. they successfully fight the acidification of the body. eat vegetable salads and fruits daily.

how to use: at least 2-3 times a day, prepare yourself vegetable salads. add at least one fruit to each meal.

energy and muscle growth

the protein is important for the bodybuilder, but even more important are carbohydrates. after all, they are the main source of energy for our muscles. if the carbohydrates in the menu is not enough, then the intensity of training suffers. a bodybuilder needs to know that carbohydrates are different and take only “right” carbohydrate foods.

you need so-called. “slow” carbohydrates, in contrast to “fast”. the former are digested slowly and for many hours they serve as a reliable and stable source of energy. others are absorbed, practically, instantly, but after the energy “flash” come relaxation and drowsiness.

how to use: serve chicken, meat and fish dishes with wild rice, boiled potatoes, cereals and vegetables. “quick” carbohydrates in the form of white muffins and weaknesses should be taken immediately after training.

more water!

at least 80% of your body weight falls on water. during training, you lose a lot of fluid along with sweat. in addition, a high protein content in the food turns into an unusually large water consumption for digestion.

if you do not start drinking water in excess of the usual, you may well develop latent dehydration. this is a dangerous condition that leads to heart disease, as it is forced to overexert, pumping dense and viscous blood.

in addition, chronic fluid deficiency in the body causes a fall in physical strength. your working weights are reduced, and the impact of training becomes zero. especially “dangerous” energy with caffeine. it strengthens the work of the kidneys and, as a consequence, the removal of fluid from the body.

how to apply: during a strenuous training, drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

even more protein for muscle growth!

contrary to the known misconception, natural protein does not overload our kidneys and does not poison the body with digestive toxins. this happens only if you abuse powdered protein concentrate. as for the natural protein, it is completely safe.

take at least 2 g of protein per kilogram of your weight during periods of high-intensity training. if you want to lose weight and reduced intake of carbohydrates, then the protein norm should be raised to 4-6 g per kilogram of body weight.

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